“I was invited to a NOW Women’s Ministry conference a year and a half ago. I was a bit skeptical at first, as I didn’t know what to expect, and was unsure of how I would fit into the group, (not ever having been very religious myself). But, I found myself pleasantly surprised. Joining a group of women learning about the Bible and the value of a relationship with God turned out to be a very rewarding experience. I had never really valued prayer or talking to God before. But through the Bible Study and NOW Women’s Ministry’s teachings, I have developed a much more impactful relationship with God than I’ve ever had before. I am a worrier by nature, and having now put my faith in God, I have grown more assured, knowing that He is watching out for me and my family. Following each Bible Study, I feel strengthened, equipped, empowered, comforted and guided by His Word. Needless to say I am a regular at Bible Study and no longer a skeptic.”