Know your place under His wings, you must be secure in His divine protection.

I believe Psalm 91 is the Word of the Lord for us for such a time as this. The COVID-19 pestilence has filled people with panic and fear. It’s imperative that you know your place under His wings, you must be secure in His divine protection.
  1. Those who “dwell” in the “shelter” of the Most High, shall find “rest” in the “shadow” of the Almighty.
  2. I will say of the Lord, “You alone are my “refuge”, my place of safety, my God in whom I trust.”
  3. For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from the deadly pestilence.
  4. He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you may seek shelter…
Those who “dwell”: to dwell means to spend time with, to have communication, to be in close contact, relational…
Those who dwell in the “shelter”: shelter refers to God’s presence, nearness to God, close relationship, those who spend time with God talking, listening, reading His word, praying… will find rest…
“rest”: trust in, faith in, confidence in, leaning on relying on, to have peace in the midst of chaos…
they will find rest in the “shadow” of the Almighty…
“shadow” refers to being under His wings, a hiding place, a secret place, a refuge…
These people can say with confidence “The Lord is my refuge.”
“refuge”: a place inaccessible to an enemy!
I love the visual of being sheltered “under His wings”…
A few years ago I was feeding a pair of swans and their new family (7 cygnets) but one day there were only 6 cygnets. I was sad as I assumed one was taken by a fox… all of a sudden there was movement under the swans wings and a little head popped up! I was amazed, that little cygnet was completely hidden, and fully protected under the swans wings! I have never forgotten that… as it was a picture of how our God will shelter us, and hide us under His all powerful “wings” in times of danger.
Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run to it and are safe.
Romans 10:13 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, rescued and delivered.
Father I pray that when we are afraid we would run to You. You will hide us under the shadow of Your wings and calm our fears. Thank You that You are a shield about us. Father continue to protect us and our families from this plague, help us to keep our eyes on You and to trust You so we can experience Your peace in the midst of this storm. Amen.
Blessings, from NOW Women’s Ministry