Lynn Leondis

The Founder

How N.O.W. Came About

About 6 years ago I was having a conversation with God (aka prayer) and I was complaining about having to travel to Florida, or South Carolina or Dallas..etc. to attend a Women’s Conference. I felt Him respond, “ Why don’t you stop complaining about it and start one!” “What? Who me? I don’t know anything about Women’s Conferences!” But that day the Lord planted a seed, a dream about having women gather from across Long Island, from all denominations and come together for a Women’s Conference.
Fast forward 3 years to the summer of ‘19.. during a time of prayer a pastor that I had only met 3 times, and who did not really know me said, “I sense the Lord saying that the dream you have in your heart to start a Women’s Ministry and host conferences is not your imagination, that was God who put that in your heart, and He’s saying it’s time to go and gather the women!” I was sobbing, I couldn’t believe how specific this word was and I believed it was from the Lord, it was a confirmation and it was time!
The very next morning during my prayer time I said, “ Father since this is Your idea, You name the ministry! What do You want to name it?” Immediately the Holy Spirit brought the following Scripture to mind: Jeremiah 9:20 “ Now, you women, hear the Word of the Lord open your ears to the words of His mouth.” NOW WOMEN jumped off the page and I knew God had just given me the name!
“NOW” – it was time to start
“WOMEN” – to be a women’s ministry
“HEAR the WORD” – this ministry would center on The Word of God.
God also showed me that N.O.W. was an acronym for:
N.O.W. – Nourished On the Word
Then The Lord spoke to my heart, “When you gather the women I will prepare a table for you and fill it with My Word and you will feed on My Word and your spirits will be Nourished On My Word.”
NOW hosted our 1st conference on March 12, 2020 the day before everything shut down due to Covid.  With God’s leading, we continued to host a conference every 6 months throughout the pandemic and no one ever contracted COVID, thanks be to God!
Come all who are hungry, come to the table and eat!
Founder Bio:
Lynn has extensive ministry leadership experience including:


Terry Meeuwsen
Co-Host, The 700 Club, Founder, Orphan’s Promise
It didn’t take long after meeting Lynn Leondis to know that she was the “real deal” Spiritually. She is a woman of faith, and the word flows out of her in conversation and in prayer. She has contended for the spirit of God to touch the concerns of her heart and has been a prayer warrior for many. Her love of God’s Word is exceeded only by her love of Jesus. N.O.W. – Nourished on the word, is how Lynn lives her life. She is a blessing wherever she goes.
Reverend Frank O’Neill (Retired)
Administrative Pastor/Preaching Team Pastor: The Brooklyn Tabernacle
Executive Pastor: Shelter Rock Church
I have had the privilege of knowing Lynn Leondis for over fifteen years. At Shelter Rock Church, she served as co-founder of the Healing Ministry, as well as a leader in the Women’s Bible Study Ministry and Prayer Ministry. When I think of describing this unique woman, the word “passionate,” is certainly appropriate. She has shown a strong desire to personally feed on, as well as teach the word of God. She has also demonstrated a passion for active faith in God’s power for today.