The Eye of the Storm – Part 1

Matthew 8: 23-26 And Jesus got into the boat and His disciples followed. Suddenly, a violent storm arose, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. And they went and woke Him saying, “Lord save us! We’re going to drown!” and He said to them, “Do not be afraid, why do you have so little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves and suddenly all was calm.
Most of the storms of life appear “suddenly”… they come out of nowhere, unexpected, and catch us unaware, and unprepared… like this global pandemic…
The disciples were experienced fishermen they had encountered many storms on the lake but this storm was unprecedented.. they had never experienced anything like it, and they were terrified! So they called out to Jesus! ” Lord save us!” and He saved them…
Romans 10:13 For everyone calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.
COVID-19 is unlike any storm we have ever faced before. Never have we witnessed a global pandemic, a global shutdown, or seen the level of panic and fear that is prevalent throughout society.
Like the disciples we need to call out to Jesus! “Lord save us!”
Just as Jesus was with His disciples in the storm…. He promises to be with us today in our storm.
Isaiah 43: 1-2 Do not be afraid…when you go through deep waters I WILL BE WITH YOU…
Fact: In the midst of every storm there is an “eye.” The eye is found in the center of the storm.
Jesus’ rightful place in our lives and in our hearts is “at the center.”
Fact: The eye is actually the calmest section of any storm, in the eye it is quiet, calm, still and peaceful…
Jesus is called the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) in His presence we can experience peace even in the midst of a storm.
Fact: The eye is calm because the strong surface winds converge towards the center but never reach it. The eye is unaffected by the raging storm…
Interesting how Jesus was able to sleep peacefully during the storm. He wasn’t affected by the winds and the waves… He did not seem to hear the raging winds, yet He heard His disciples when they called out to Him “Lord help!”
Ladies let’s be encouraged.. God’s got this! He is in control. This storm is going to blow over soon. God has heard our prayers “Lord help!” and He is answering…
At yesterdays briefing the President shared the good news that the number of COVID-19 cases in NYC has decreased, and that the line has flattened! Alleluia! Let’s continue to pray for an end to this COVID-19 global pandemic and let us continue to put our trust, our hope and our confidence in God, He will bring us safely through this storm.
“In God We Trust” Amen
Blessings, from NOW Women’s Ministry